As a result of certain actions, the SCE application will pop up message box dialogs for feedback to or input from the user about handling of special situations. Message boxes are used to provide informative messages and to ask simple questions. In general, there are two types of message boxes: error dialogs and information dialogs.
If the application encounters an abnormal error situation in which user notification about the failure of the initiated action is required, an Error dialog will be popped up (Figure 3-9). The Error dialog displays an error message at the top-half of the Error dialog. At the bottom-half, an Error dialog contains one button: Ok. Clicking Ok will close the Error dialog and original dialog (if any) that prompted the message. After clicking, the original action that prompted the message is aborted and cancelled.
If the application encounters an abnormal situation in which user notification is required and the user is given several choices on how to continue, an Information dialog will be popped up (Figure 3-10). An information message and associated question is displayed at the top-half of the dialog. The bottom-half of the dialog contains three buttons: Yes, No, and Cancel. Clicking Yes will accept the recommendation and do the corresponding action. Clicking No will not accept the recommendation and will not do the corresponding action but will continue the original action that prompted the message in the first place. Finally, clicking Cancel will not do the recommended action and will also cancel the original action that prompted the message. Clicking one of above three buttons will close the Information dialog and original dialog (if any) that prompted the message.