A.3. Communication Refinement Errors

Table A-3 shows error codes and corresponding descriptions of respective error conditions for the communication refinement background tool sccr.

Table A-3. sccr error codes

Error CodeDescription
0 No error occured during refinement
6001 The command line does not have enough arguments
6002 The arguments does not exist in the command line options
6003 The command line option does not have required arguments
6004 The multiple design names are specified in the input SIR file
6005 No design name is specified in the input SIR file
6006 No top-level behavior name is specified in the input SIR file
6020 Design consists of illegal composition of objects ( checked by sanity checking routine)
6021 No communication element (CE) interface with 'CE_BRIDGE' annotation is found in CE behavior (bridge)
6022 No memory interface with 'PE_MEMORY' annotation is found in memory behavior
6023 Specified bus is not found in the design
6024 Specified component is not found in the design
6025 Memory-mapped IO does not have variable for local memory
6026 Specified annotaion is not found
6027 Behavior does not have 'par' statement in its main method
6028 Link channel is connected to more than 2 components in the top-level behavior
6029 The methods in link channel do not have have proper number of arguments
6030 CE interface do not have 'send'/'receive" methods
6031 'send' method should have 2 arguments
6032 'receive' method should have 2 arguments
6050 A link channel does not have required interrupt mapping
6051 A link channel does not have required address mapping
6052 The interrupt assigned to link channel does not exist in the bus
6053 The address assigned to link channel is out of available address range in the bus
6060 The component does not have required BF shell behavior
6061 The CPU have multiple instances of HAL or HW shell behaviors
6062 The CPU does not have HAL shell behavior
6063 The CPU have multiple interrupt controllers
6064 The CPU does not have interrupt controller for interrupts
6065 Specified interrupt handler is not found in HAL shell behavior
6066 Bus database does not have any protocol channel instance
6067 Bus database does not have any MAC channel instance
6068 Bus database does not have required TLM channel instance
6069 Bus database does not have required access channel instance
6070 Bus database does not have interrupt detection/generation channel instance
6081 The annotation does not observe correct syntax
6082 The protocol channel does not have any port
6083 The TLM channel does not have any master/slave implementations
6084 The 'read' method does not have 3 arguments
6085 The 'write' method does not have 3 arguements
6086 The 'serve' method does not have 2 arguements
6087 A channel does not have required 'send' method
6088 A channel does not have required 'receive' method
6089 The MAC channel does not have 'read' method
6090 The MAC channel does not have 'write' method
6091 The MAC channel does not have 'serve' method
6092 Master memory MAC channel does not have corresponding slave memory MAC channel
6093 Methods in MAC channel do not have required address argument
6094 Required clock variable is not found in bus database
6095 Required address wire is not found in bus database
6100 Interface does not implement any required methods
6101 A port is not directly mapped
6102 No required protocol channel adapter is found in a component
6103 No required MAC channel adapter is found in a component
6104 No required interrupt detection/generation adapter is found in a component
6105 Specified behavior instance is not found in design
6106 Specified protocol channel is not found in design
6107 Specified MAC channel is not found in design
6108 No 'c_handshake' channel for synchronization is found in design
6109 No interface for link channel is found in design
6110 Specified method is not found in an interface
6111 A specified bus wire is not found in a bus
6112 A port need to be accessed by main method in a behavior
6113 An interrupt is shared by multiple link channels, which needs to support polling
6114 An interrupt line is of bit vector type, which is not supported
6115 An error occurs by tool itself