This appendix contains lists of error codes and error messages for SCE background tools.
Table A-1 shows error codes and corresponding descriptions of respective error conditions for the architecture refinement background tool scar.
Table A-1. scar error codes
Error Code | Description |
0 | No error occured during refinement |
5001 | Invalid command line is used to invoke 'scar' |
5002 | The specified design name or PE name is invalid |
5003 | Behavior refinement is asked for a design that already had behavior refinement performed |
5004 | Variable refinement is asked for a design that already had variable refinement performed |
5005 | Channel refinement is asked for a design that already had channel refinement performed |
5006 | Variable refinement is asked for a design that had no behavior refinement performed |
5007 | Channel refinement is asked for a design that had no variable refinement performed |
5021 | The top-level-behavior annotation is not found in the input design |
5022 | The specified top-level-behavior is not found in the input design |
5023 | The PE-allocation annotation is not found on the top-level-behavior |
5024 | The format of PE-allocation annotation is not as expected |
5025 | A design behavior is not mapped, either explicitly or implicitly, to any PE |
5026 | A design behavior is mapped to a PE that is not actually allocated |
5027 | Multiple PEs are given same name in the PE-allocation annotation |
5028 | A behavior or channel is mapped to a memory PE or a variable is mapped to a PE without a memory interface |
5029 | The input model to variable refinement is invalid |
5030 | The queue, semaphore, handshake or double-handshake channel does not implement the set of interfaces as expected |
5031 | An interface does not implement the set of methods as expected |
5052 | A pipeline behavior is partitioned |
5053 | An external behavior is mapped |
5054 | A try-trap or try-exception behavior is partitioned |
5055 | An un-clean type behavior is partitioned |
5056 | A channel other than handshake, double-handshake, queue and semaphore is used between PEs due to partitioning |
5057 | A behavior instance has a port that is mapped to another behavior instance portmaps |
5058 | A partitioned behavior implements an interface |
5059 | A behavior instance is called more than once inside its parent behavior |
5060 | A channel instance has a port that that is mapped to another channel instance |
5061 | An event variable is shared by multiple PEs due to partitioning |
5062 | A pointer variable is shared by multiple PEs due to partitioning |
5063 | A bit-slice variable is shared by multiple PEs due to partitioning |
5064 | A shared variable is used in methods other than the main() method |
5065 | A shared variable is used in an address_of expression |
5066 | A shared variable is used in a content_of expression |
5067 | Multiple interfaces of a shared channel instance are used by the same PE |
5068 | A tranceiver interface is used by a PE |
5069 | A shared array variable is used in array assignment |
5070 | The main() method of top-level behavior has a return value |
5071 | A shared variable is potentially accessed concurrently |
5072 | A shared array variable is used as function parameter |
5073 | The specified variable-mapping would cause cyclic instantiation problem |
5099 | Internal errors that can be blamed on 'scar' |