Prof. Yeh is awarded a new $600K NSF grant “TARGET: Latency-aware Edge Computing for VR/AR in 5G and Beyond Networks" in collaboration with Prof. Dimitrios Koutsonikolas (Northeastern) and Prof. Mai Vu (Tufts). [Link]
Prof. Yeh will give plenary talk at The 10th International Workshop on Computer and Networking Experimental Research using Testbeds (CNERT), organized in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM, May 20, 2024. [Link]
"Distributed Experimental Design Networks" and "Congestion-aware Routing and Content Placement in Elastic Cache Networks" appear at IEEE INFOCOM, May 2024. [Link]
Jinkun Zhang graduates with thesis titled "Low-Latency Forwarding, Caching and Computation Placement in Data-Centric Networks." April 2024.
Yuezhou Liu graduates with thesis titled "Network Optimization for Distributed Machine Learning over Networks." December 2023.
"Cache-Enabled Federated Learning Systems" appears at ACM MobiHoc, October 2023. [Link]
Prof. Yeh is co-recipient of Best Paper Award at International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), August 2023, for the paper "Joint Optimization of Storage and Transmission via Coding Traffic Flows for Content Distribution." [Link]
Prof. Yeh is co-recipient of Best Poster Award at ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), May 2023, for the poster "Fair Training of Multiple Federated Learning Models on Resource Constrained Network Devices."
Prof. Yeh receives Northeastern Center for Research Innovation Spark Fund Award to develop advanced content delivery platform for video streaming. [Link]
SC22 demo shows record performance for NDN-based data delivery platform. [Link]
New paper "N-DISE: NDN-based Data Distribution for Large-Scale Data-Intensive Science Experiments" to appear at ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN), September 19-21, 2022.
Prof. Yeh speaks on "Data-Centric Networking: Theory, Algorithms and Applications" in the Electrical Engineering Seminar Series at Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. [Link]
Professor Yeh will be a keynote speaker at IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN) July 2022. [Link]
Profs. Yeh and Ioannidis awarded patent for "Joint Routing and Caching Method for Content Delivery with Optimality Guarantees for Arbitrary Networks". [Link]
New paper "Experimental Design Networks: A Paradigm for Serving Heterogeneous Learners under Networking Constraints" to appear at INFOCOM 2022.
Prof. Yeh, PhD student Jinkun Zhang and Prof. Dirk Bergemann of Yale Economics pioneer application of information theory to mechanism design in microeconomics, in new Games and Economic Behavior paper (September 2021). [Link]
Professor Yeh pioneers data-centric approach to distributed machine learning as part of $1M CMU-Northeastern joint NSF project (July 2021). [Link]
Professor Yeh named inaugural Area Editor in Networking and Computation for IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (July 2021). [Link]
Professor Yeh will give plenary lecture at IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) June 2021. [Link]
Professor Yeh named IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer for 2021-2022.
Professor Yeh to serve on Board of Governors of IEEE Information Theory Society (December 2020). [Link]
"Rate Allocation and Content Placement in Cache Networks" and "Fresh Caching for Dynamic Content" appear at IEEE INFOCOM 2021.
Ran Liu graduates with thesis titled "Optimization of Proactive Services with Uncertain Predictions."
Khashayar Kamran graduates with thesis titled "Optimization of Data-intensive Computing Networks."
Prof. Yeh leads new $875K NSF grant to build advanced data ecosystems for high energy physics and genomics (August 2020). [Link]
Northeastern leads organization of ACM SIGMETRICS 2020 (June 2020). [Link]
Prof. Yeh's research on edge computing featured in American Tower CEO keynote speech (May 2020). [Link]
Prof. Yeh speaks at Brown University Data Science Initiative (February 2020). [Link]
Prof. Yeh awarded patent for optimal data-centric caching, forwarding, and congestion control algorithms (January 2020). [Link]
Networking for big data: landmark SC19 demo shows high-performance delivery of Large Hadron Collider (LHC) data with NDN. [Link]
Prof. Yeh receives a $25K research grant from American Tower Corp. to study optimization algorithms, economic modeling, and applications for edge computing in 5G wireless networks (October 2019). [Link]
Former Postdoctoral Fellow Derya Malak joins Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as faculty (September 2019).
Prof. Yeh serves as TPC Co-Chair for ACM MobiHoc 2021.
"DECO: Joint Computation, Forwarding and Data Placement in Data-Driven Computing Networks" appears at ACM MobiHoc 2019. [PDF]
"How Bad is Selfish Caching?" appears at ACM MobiHoc 2019. [PDF]
Prof. Yeh serves as General Chair of ACM SIGMETRICS 2020, to be held in Boston. [Link]
"Proactive Caching for Low Access-Delay Services under Uncertain Predictions" appears at ACM SIGMETRICS 2019. [PDF]
"5G in theWorkplace," Connected World, June 2019. [Link]
Prof. Yeh speaks on edge computing, private networks and slicing at the 6th Annual Brooklyn 5G Summit in New York (April 25, 2019). [Link]
"Kelly Cache Networks" appears at IEEE INFOCOM 2019. [PDF]
"Tiny Codes for Guaranteeable Delay" is published in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, April 2019. [PDF]
Prof. Yeh serves as Chair of the National Academies Panel on Review of the In-house Laboratory Independent Research in Network Sciences at the Army's Research, Development, and Engineering Centers (RDECs) (December 2018). [Link] [Panel Report]
Prof. Yeh is General Co-Chair for the 5th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN) at Northeastern University, Boston, September 21-23, 2018. [Link]
Prof. Yeh serves on National Academies Panel on Review of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (June 2018). [Link] [Panel Report]
Prof. Yeh presents tutorial on "Delay and Throughput Optimality in Cache Networks with Arbitrary Topologies" (with Stratis Ioannidis) at the International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), May 11, 2018.
Prof. Yeh delivers plenary lecture "Data-Centric Networking: Lessons and Impact" at the International Workshop on Content Caching and Delivery in Wireless Networks (CCDWN), May 7, 2018.
Prof. Yeh speaks on future network architecture and cloud technology as panelist at the 5th Annual Brooklyn 5G Summit in New York (April 26, 2018). [Link]
Prof. Yeh gives invited lectures on data-centric networking architectures and optimized caching algorithms at Princeton, Caltech, Columbia, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Southern California, and New York University.
Prof. Yeh receives research grants from Intel Corp. (joint with Prof. Andrea Goldsmith, Stanford) and Cisco Systems (joint with Prof. Gene Tsudik, UC Irvine), totalling $414K, for research focused on optimizing and securing 5G wireless edge networks (January 2018). [Link]
Prof. Yeh speaks at MIT LIDS (Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems) Seminar Series, September 2017. [Link]
Prof. Yeh is co-recipient (with Prof. Stratis Ioannidis) of the Best Paper Award at the 4th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN 2017), Berlin, Germany, September 2017, for their paper "Jointly Optimal Routing and Caching for Arbitrary Network Topologies." [Link]
Prof. Yeh is Co-PI on $2.5 million NSF grant "CRISP Type 2: Interdependent Network-based Quantification of Infrastructure Resilience (INQUIRE)" (PI: Albert-Laszlo Barabasi), September 2017. [Link]
Prof. Yeh receives $500K NSF grant "Caching Networks with Optimality Guarantees" jointly with Prof. Stratis Ioannidis of Northeastern (September 2017). [Link]
Prof. Yeh leads $1M NSF grant "CC* Integration: SANDIE: Software Defined Network-Assisted Named Data Network for Data Intensive Experiments" (with co-PIs Prof. Harvey Newman of Caltech and Prof. Christos Papadopoulos of Colorado State) to redesign the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) high energy physics program network, the world's largest data-intensive application (July 2017). [Link]
Prof. Yeh serves as Associate Editor for IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
Prof. Yeh receives Northeastern College of Engineering Faculty Research Team Award (with Stefano Basagni, Kaushik Chowdhury, and Tommaso Melodia), May 3, 2017. [Link]
Prof. Yeh leads Northeastern in $10 million DARPA Dispersed Computing project (jointly with Raytheon BBN and Muriel Medard, MIT), April 12, 2017. [Link]
Prof. Yeh serves as External Committee Member for Drexel University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Program Alignment and Review, April 2017.
Prof. Yeh is Co-PI for $6.1 million Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR) Project Office (PI: Tommaso Melodia), which collaborates with NSF and industry partners to accelerate fundamental research on wireless communication and networking technologies by establishing and overseeing multiple city-scale testing platforms across the U.S. (March 1, 2017). [Link]
Prof. Yeh awarded a $50K NSF I-Corps grant for "Optimized Content Delivery Networks" (October 2016). [Link]
Prof. Yeh and Prof. Stratis Ioannidis present tutorial on "Throughput and Delay Optimality in ICN Design" at ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN 2016), Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 26-28, 2016.
Prof. Yeh is Co-PI on $2.5 million National Science Foundation grant "CRISP Type 2: Identification and Control of Uncertain, Highly Interdependent Processes Involving Humans with Applications to Resilient Emergency Health Response" (PI: Mario Sznaier, August 2016). [Link]
"Adaptive Caching Networks with Optimality Guarantees" is published in Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, June 14-18, 2016. [PDF]
Prof. Yeh gives invited lectures featuring new results on data-centric networking at MIT, Carnegie Mellon University, and Rice University.
"A Perspective on Future Research Directions in Information Theory" is released on arXiv, July 21, 2015. [PDF]
Prof. Yeh speaks on "Named Data Networking: Theory and Optimization for a New Internet Architecture" at Workshop on the Frontiers of Networks: Theory and Algorithms, ACM MobiHoc, June 22, 2015, and at Technical University of Munich and INRIA Paris.
Prof. Yeh is co-recipient of Best Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), London, UK, June 2015, for the paper "Optimization-Based Linear Network Coding for General Connections of Continuous Flows." (joint work with Ying Cui, Muriel Medard, Douglas Leith, Ken Duffy) [Link]
Prof. Yeh receives National Science Foundation grant "NeTS: Small: Collaborative Research: Dynamic Forwarding and Caching for Data-Centric Networks: Theory and Algorithms," jointly with Prof. Tracey Ho of Caltech. (10/1/14)
"VIP: A Framework for Joint Dynamic Forwarding and Caching in Named Data Networks" is published in Proceedings of ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN), Paris, France, September 24-26, 2014. [PDF]
Prof. Yeh receives $1.75 Million Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) grant "Modeling, Analysis and Control for Robust Interdependent Networks," jointly with Prof. Ness Shroff (Ohio State University) and Prof. Eytan Modiano (MIT). (9/2/14)
Prof. Yeh receives Cisco Systems grant "Scalable, Distributed, and Dynamic Forwarding and Caching Algorithms for Named Data Networks." (8/12/2014)
"How to Fix the Internet's Plumbing Problem," news@Northeastern, April 24, 2014. [Link]
Prof. Yeh serves as an inaugural Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.
Prof. Yeh speaks on "VIP: Joint Dynamic Forwarding and Caching in Named Data Networks" at Stanford, Caltech, and UCSD.
Prof. Yeh speaks on "Pricing with Limited Information: a Quantization Approach" at Southern California Symposium on Network Economics and Game Theory, Los Angeles, CA, November 7-8, 2013.
"Polar Codes for the Two-user Multiple-access Channel" is published in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 59, No. 10, October 2013. [PDF]
Prof. Yeh gives short course "Polar Codes: An Introduction" at Technical University of Munich, Germany, July 17-25, 2013.
Prof. Yeh speaks on "Quantization in Economics: Mechanism Design with Limited Information" at Caltech, UCLA, MIT and Northwestern.
Prof. Yeh speaks on "Network Resilience to Correlated and Cascading Failures: A Percolation View" at INFORMS Computing Society Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, January 8, 2013, and at DIMACS/CCICADA Workshop on Cascading Failures of Power Transmission Systems: Models and Algorithms, New Brunswick, NJ, February 23, 2013.
Prof. Yeh receives Cisco Systems grant "Joint Forwarding and Caching Algorithms for Named Data Networking." (1/1/2013)
"Fundamental Performance Limits in Cross-layer Wireless Optimization: Throughput, Delay, and Energy" by Prof. Yeh is published in the Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory series (December 2012). [PDF]
"The Problem of Pricing Wine," news@Northeastern, September 13, 2012. [Link]
Prof. Yeh and former Ph.D. student Zhenning Kong receive Best Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), Phuket, Thailand, July 2012, for the paper "Correlated and Cascading Node Failures in Random Geometric Networks: A Percolation View." [PDF]
"Multi-Dimensional Mechanism Design with Limited Information" is published in Proceedings of ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC), Valencia, Spain, June 4-8, 2012. [PDF]
"Professor to Develop Improved Wireless Technologies on Prestigious German Fellowship," news@Northeastern, May 18, 2012. [Link]
"Internet Architecture", Academic Minute, WAMC, Northeast Public Radio, May 3, 2012. [Link]
Prof. speaks on "Polar Codes for Multiple Access Channels" at Bell Labs, Technical University of Munich, and ETH Zurich.
Prof. Yeh is General Co-chair of DIMACS (Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science) Workshop on Connectivity and Resilience for Large-Scale Networks, Spring 2012.
"Smart Funding for the Smart Grid," news@Northeastern, February 13, 2012. [Link]
Prof. Yeh serves as Secretary of Board of Governors of IEEE Information Theory Society (2012-2015).
Prof. Yeh serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
Prof. Yeh serves as a Guest Editor for IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Special Series on Smart Grid Communications.
Prof. Yeh speaks on internet architecture and wireless networking (11/2/2011). [Link]
"Reconstructing the Web," news@Northeastern, September 19, 2011. [Link]
"Restructuring the Internet," Yale Scientific Magazine, April 3, 2011. [Link]
Prof. Yeh speaks on "From Where to What: A New Architecture for the Internet" at Yale Law School, March 4, 2011.
Prof. Yeh joins the Information Society Project at Yale Law School as Faculty Fellow. [Link]
"Accelerating Wireless Communications," Yale Scientific Magazine, February 14, 2011. [Link]
"Resilience to Degree-dependent and Cascading Node Failures in Random Geometric Networks" is published in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 56, No. 11, November 2010. [PDF]
"Named Data Networking (NDN) Project," Technical Report ndn-0001 is published, October 31, 2010. [PDF]
Prof. Yeh receives Humboldt Research Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
Prof. Yeh is a PI on $7.9 million project "Named Data Networking (NDN)" to create a next-generation internet under a Future Internet Architecture (FIA) award from the National Science Foundation (9/1/2010). [NDN website]
Prof. Yeh serves as member of the Steering Committee for IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm).
Prof. Yeh serves as Guest Editor-in-Chief for the Special Wireless Issue of Internet Mathematics. [Link]
Prof. Yeh serves as General Co-chair for the Sixth Workshop on Spatial Stochastic Models for Wireless Networks (SpaSWiN), 2010, Avignon, France.
Prof. Yeh invited to attend the National Science Foundation Future Internet Architecture Summit, October 12-15, 2009.
Prof. Yeh receives National Science Foundation NeTS grant "Large Scale Networks and Information Flow: From Emergent Behavior to Algorithm Design," jointly with Prof. Massimo Franceschetti of UCSD (2009-2012).
Prof. Yeh receives Air Force Office of Scientific Research grant "Connectivity and Resilience in Large-Scale Mobile Wireless Networks" (2009-2012).
Prof. Yeh receives National Science Foundation Cyber Trust grant "Percolation Processes and the Design of Highly Resilient Wireless Networks" (2007-2010).
Prof. Yeh receives Army Research Office grant "Analysis and Design of Highly Resilient Wireless and Sensor Networks" (2007-2010).
Prof. Yeh receives National Science Foundation NeTS-NBD grant "Distributed Algorithms for Optimal Control of Mobile Wireless Networks" (2006-2009).
Prof. Yeh receives Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) grant "Theory, Design, and Algorithms for Optimal Control of Wireless Networks" (2006-2008).
Prof. Yeh wins the Army Research Office (ARO) Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award (2003).
Prof. Yeh receives National Science Foundation (NSF) Information Technology Research (ITR) grant "Fundamental Performance Tradeoffs for Ad Hoc Networks," jointly with Prof. Randall Berry of Northwestern University (2003-2007).