Window management deals with the management of Design Windows in the Workspace. Window management allows for closing, resizing, and arranging of multiple simultaneously opened Design Windows within the Workspace. Specifically, the tasks for window management are:
Users can close the currently active Design Window in the Workspace by selecting Main::Window->Close. In addition, any of the Design Windows can be closed by clicking on a respective icon in the window's title bar.
Users can close all the currently opened Design Windows in the Workspace by selecting Main::Window->Close All.
In all cases, closing a Design Window triggers a file closing action for the corresponding design file (see Section 4.3.3).
Users can automatically arrange Design Windows in the Workspace in a variety of manners. Selecting Main::Window->Tile will rearrange the Design Windows in the Workspace in a tiled fashion. Selecting Main::Window->Cascade will rearrange the Design Windows in the Workspace in a cascaded manner. Apart from that, windows can be freely resized and moved within the Workspace by dragging their title bar or borders. In addition, users can maximize and minimize Design Windows by clicking on a respective icon on the window's title bar.
Selecting Main::Window->Next or Main::Window->Previous will switch the focus to and activate the next/previous Design Window in the list of opened windows. Using these actions, users can cycle through the list of windows. Design Windows are ordered in the window list according to the order in which they were opened. In addition, users can activate and raise any of the opened Design Windows by clicking into the window.
Finally, the bottom of the Main::Window menu contains entries for all currently opened Design Windows. Selecting any of these menu entries will activate and raise the corresponding Design Window.
Selecting Main::Window->Project Manager or Main::Window->Output Window will toggle (turn on and off) displaying of the Project Window and Output Window, respectively.