

sce_top -- scripting of System-On-Chip Environment (SCE)


sce_top [options] [action...] design


sce_top allows to query and manipulate information about the top-level behavior in a given design.

sce_top reads the SIR file for a given design, performs each action specified via the command line and writes out the resulting modified SIR (if any). An output SIR file is only written if modifications to the design have been made through the actions. Otherwise, no output file is written and the specified design is left unchanged. If no action is specified, the name of the current top-level behavior is output to stdout.

On successful completion, the exit value 0 is returned. In case of errors, a diagnostic message is written to standard error and the program execution is aborted with a non-zero exit value. In this case, no output is produced.



specifies the design to work with; if no -i or -o options are specificed, the suffix '.sir' will be appended to this name in order to obtain the default SIR file to read and write, respectively.


specifies the action to perform on the design; actions include operations to query or manipulate the design, and to set up options for following operations; command line actions are processed strictly in order, i.e. multiple operations are performed in the order specified on the command line and earlier options have effect until they are overwritten by later ones.



prints a short usage and version information and then quits;

-i input file

specifies the name of the input file explicitly; the name '-' can be used to specify reading from standard input;


suppresses the creation of new log information when generating the output SIR file; by default, log information in the main design file is updated automatically (see also section ANNOTATIONS below);

-o output file

specifies the name of the output design file explicitly; the name '-' can be used to specify writing to standard output;


set the verbosity level so that progress reports about actions performed are logged to standard error (default: be silent);



removes all allocation information attached to the current top-level behavior;


removes the current top-level behavior designation;


when setting a new top-level behavior, move (copy) any existing allocation information from the current top-level behavior (if any) to the new top-level;

-s name

set the top-level behavior;



determines the location of the user's home directory and consequently the default path to the file with user-specific application preferences ($HOME/.sce/scerc);


determines the list of directories where files "scerc" with user-specific application preferences are stored; multiple directories can be provided, separated by colons (":"); directories are searched for and preference files are read in the given order, i.e. preference files in later directories override settings in earlier ones; if SCERC_PATH is not set, the location (directory) of the user-specific "scerc" file defaults to $HOME/.sce;


determines the license file (path and file name) to be used by the SIR tool set; if undefined, the environment variable SPECC is used as the path to the license file called "license.sir"; if neither SPECC_LICENSE_FILE nor SPECC exist, the file "license.sir" is searched in the current directory;



File with system-wide default settings for application preferences; system-wide settings are read on startup before user-specific settings;

$SCERC_PATH/scerc or $HOME/.sce/scerc

File(s) with user-specific settings for application preferences; user-specific settings are read on startup after system-wide settings, i.e. user-specific settings override system-wide settings;


The following SpecC annotations are recognized by sce_top:


contains the log information of the SIR file; this global annotation is created and maintained automatically by the SpecC compiler and the SCE tool set and can be used to determine the origin and the operations performed on the design model; _SCE_LOG is a composite annotation consisting of a list of log entries, ordered by time of creation; each log entry consists of a time stamp, command line, source file, version info, and an optional comment;


The System-On-Chip Environment (SCE) is version 2.2.1.


Andreas Gerstlauer <>


(c) 2001-2010 CECS, UC Irvine


sce_import(l), sce_retype(l), sce_allocate(l), sce_map(l), sce_schedule(l), sce_connect(l), sce_project(l),


None know.